Tuesday, January 10, 2023

digital glock

Digital Glock - Radetec's digital round-count display ensures that at the end of the day the gun shoots straight and won't let you down when you need it. However, we know that guns can be much more than they are today, and Radtech is one company pushing the envelope. Who is Radetec, they are a research and development company that wants to create electronic products that improve the use of firearms. If the gun is now a phone case, they want to show the iPhone. They don't want smart electronics to be just for fun and entertainment, they want them to have applications that improve gun safety and make them easier to use. They instigate their own research, but will work with specific manufacturers on projects. The Smart Slide for Glock is the coolest and never seen before that not only makes you think of Sly Stallone in Demolition Man but is actually useful, and it's not just technology. How it works, remove the slide from your Glock 17 Gen 4, put it on your Smart Slide, and there you have it. Now you have real digital information about your gun. It is a self-contained battery-powered device that does not require software updates and cannot be hacked. Even if the battery dies or something goes wrong with the device, you can keep with it. Then let's see what the problem is. What it does It's a very cool device: One in the room: It alerts you if there is an environment in the room. It can be dangerous if you don't know if the gun is ready to fire. Number of Rounds: This will tell you how many rounds are currently in your magazine. No more guesswork, no more calculations, real-time information at your fingertips. Low ammo warning: If the digital number is not enough, the red light will flash for the last few remaining when you are low. Recording: It records every shot you take, which you can release from the menu. Maintenance: You can set it to alert you after certain shots, so you know when it needs care and maintenance. Color screen: The screen is good and colorful. Format: There are 6 ways to display the information you want in the format you want. What I don't like is that the Smart Slide makes no permanent changes to your Glock and doesn't require a professional gunsmith. Like I said you remove the original slide and attach the smart slide and you can easily remove the smart slide and put the original slide back on. They also offer a 2-year warranty against manufacturing defects. How it works You get a replacement, a back strap and their 2 magazines with your purchase. These apply to all Glocks and how to store them. The cameras use magnets to collect information about your current gun and send this to the display, which updates in seconds. Do you need apps to use the technology, yes. However, the sight works well without downloading an app and is a great addition to your Glock. By downloading the app, you can track additional information. The app keeps a log of your activities. It tracks every shot you shoot and alerts you when maintenance is needed. You can see the weapons you have in the app connected to the technology. What are the real benefits? For the average Joe on the street, knowing if there is a round in the chamber or how many shots are left is a great safety tip. This will give you a lot of fun but keep you safe in your home. This can be a very useful monitoring method for many owners, because the app allows them to track how many times the gun has been fired and when it needs to be serviced or replaced. . I can imagine that it will provide better information to the police and the military, where there is more value. What problem I have with SmartSlide is, first of all, at around $1000 it is very expensive for a well-known bean. For the person on the street, the costs do not match the benefits. However, the police and the army are not concerned about the price. Then it will be a very useful tool. Radetec pushes the boundaries of technology, and that obviously comes at a price. Think about how expensive HD TVs were when they first came out and how cheap they are now in comparison. The more smart devices are used and the more companies enter the market, the cheaper the product will become. It won't be long before sharp slides are the standard on all guns. Another big problem is that this is another failure, with gun manufacturers having a battle to create by adding new specs but making it more reliable. SmartSlide adds another feature that can fail. Also, it is another battery replacement or replacement. Like everything these days needs a battery or power, if not in the past. Final Thoughts The Smart Slide is an amazing piece of technology that only scratches the surface of smart technology in guns. It is expensive, but effective. So, if you can afford it, I think it's a good buy. You know they will make Glocks first and last for all guns. What else makes the Radetec Smart Gun cool is that this device only allows the user to shoot the gun. Guns are always locked unless there is actual evidence nearby. These tools can be anything like bracelets, necklaces, belts or badges. You can have as many accessories as you like. This has real world benefits. Gun theft is useless unless you steal evidence. This will give you an advantage in home invasion situations. This prevents misuse by children or unregistered people. It is also important for police and soldiers who do not want to use weapons against themselves. All of these increase the risk of crime, domestic violence, drug use, fatal injuries, mass shootings and robberies. Armorer Logbook Universal allows you to save up to 100,000 shots of your gun to the app via NFC transfer. You can save information from multiple guns about the number of shots, the date and time of the shot, and the GPS location of each shot. This is very easy to do, you just attach the smart device to the Picatinny rail and shoot normally. Open the app on your phone and all the information is there. You can change the device on all your guns easily without carrying the gun. Armor Logbook is similar to the international standard, but more for companies with large inventory to track. It records the temperature of each shot, along with the date, time and number of shots. He records the shots at 1m and shows when the gun is out of the arsenal. Shooting safety is now very popular and will improve shooting around the world. It can destroy collisions and intentionally bad plays on the advantage. An employee has gun control on these lines. They can sit in the office and watch a lot with the computer. If they see a safety concern, they can shut down one or all of the guns in seconds. A test gauge can also be placed on a gun range. So, they only shoot at the range. If the gun is pointed elsewhere, it automatically shuts down. It can also be locked to a height, so it won't shoot too low or too far. Again, this will eliminate many situations. It is probably out of price for many owners, but I can easily imagine the time when everything will be like this. RISC is a simple version of Smart Slide and is a simple kill counter. It will count the number of shots you have taken in that session, which you can leave to display

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